For Influencers

Setting up my Influencer Profile

Once signed up on the platform, at the bottom of the default campaigns screen, click on the Profile icon.


Proceed to fill in your profile details by clicking on each section.

About You :

  • Select your Gender

  • Enter your Date of Birth in Month/dd/yyyy format.

  • Make your selections on the campaign related questions.


    - Are you open to barter collaborations?
    Only select this option if you are willing to participate in campaigns in which
    there are no cash compensations. Instead influencers receive products or
    services in exchange for participating in the campaign.
    Example: A skincare brand sends you their latest product to test and review.

    - Are you open to product refund collaborations?
    Product refund campaigns are those in which you purchase the product or
    service out of pocket, and are reimbursed for them by the brand upon
    campaign completion.

    - Auto-apply for eligible campaigns
    Select this option if you would like to apply for all eligible campaigns based on
    your profile and preferences.
    Caution : Backing out of campaigns after being hired, affects your Wobb
    scores negatively and may lead to termination of account. This is applicable on
    auto-apply campaigns too.

  • Content Language

    Select upto 3 languages in which you are comfortable creating content. Minimum of one selection is required.

  • Content Categories

    Select upto 4 categories in which you are interested to apply for campaigns. Several of these have subcategories as well - please choose the most relevant options.
    Note : Brands may choose to hire influencers based on their content relevance. For best results, choose categories in which you already have some content creating experience.

Address :

Please enter your complete physical address.
Note: This will be the same address that brands use to send products in case of barter/product refund campaigns.

Social Channels :

You can link your Instagram, Twitter, Youtube and LinkedIn profiles here.
Note : These links are displayed on your influencer profiles on the Wobb platform and will be publicly visible.
Click on the channel you wish to link, enter the credentials and verify.